When Does a Home Need Roof Replacement?

As winter weather comes and goes, there are sure to be times that some in West Michigan notice it may be time for roof replacement for their home. From ice dams causing damage to heavy snowfall weighing on the roof and gutters, there’s no shortage of problems that can arise with an aging roof that have the chance to cause further issues for the home down the road.

Patriot Exteriors recognizes these problematic signs when working with roofs and helps homeowners to fix everything that might be wrong. By adding a professional point of view to your home’s inspections and services, you add the best resource available to create a home for the future that will last for years to come.

Know Your Shingles

One easy way to know if your home needs roof replacement is if the shingles are near, or beyond, their lifespan. Most shingles tend to last anywhere from 15-25 years, and, when they start reaching the latter end of that range, more problems start to become frequent. By keeping track of the time your shingles have left, you can bring Patriot Exteriors out to get them replaced before any problems occur.

Storm Damage Problems

Whether a heavy winter snows or a summer storm that causes debris to damage your roof, storm damage can lead to a variety of issues for homeowners. When this happens, roof replacement, especially depending on the extent and size of the damage, is the best option. Patriot Exteriors has the knowledge and expertise to ensure whenever storm damage causes problems with your home, that you have a professional team on your side to fix the problem through replacement.

Rotting or Unwanted Growth

If you live in the woods, then you may have experienced rot on your roof or unwanted moss growth. Rot that causes portions of your roof to sag are a big sign of needed replacement. Moss doesn’t always mean that your roof is in dire need of replacement, but it certainly can if the underlying components of your roof are wearing down. Areas that face frequent shade may have moisture that doesn’t go away as it should, leading to moss buildup and rot.

Whatever problems your roof may be facing, Patriot Exteriors will help you find them and work through roof replacement with you. Find better home solutions by giving us a call today!